Filling the Southern Hemisphere's Judaica Needs
Food For The Soul

Food For The Soul

Meditative Kabbalistic eating is an ancient method describing the spiritual changes occuring within food during its absorption into the body and actualizes this knowledge in practice via a series of exercises in guided imagery. In a somewhat novel approach, this method is not about WHAT to eat but is a guide on HOW to eat.

The gastronomic topic serves as a springboard to the basic concepts of Kabbalah, building a broad lexicon of terms and presenting them in an accessible and logical framework. From a Kabbalistic point of view, there is an intimate connection between spirit and matter, similar to a ‘tango’ dance which allows us to highlight the amazing harmony between the mystical aspects of eating and nutritional science.

The reader will discover a varied and rich tapestry of information that rarely appears inside a single book and is intended to appeal to every inquisitive person - regardless of their religious belief.

Price: $47.99
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