Filling the Southern Hemisphere's Judaica Needs
Gluten Free In Halachah

Gluten Free In Halachah

A person diagnosed with celiac must start an entirely new gluten-free diet and find answers for a host of questions:

What is the correct brachah to recite on foods containing only a small amount of grain?

Should I eat wheat matzah at the Seder if nothing else is available?

Is rice bread subject to bishul akum?

Are shevah brachos recited if the chassan or kallah did not eat bread?

From the laws of brachos and Shabbos to kashrus and beyond, these topics are inherently complicated and when compounded by the complexities of the gluten-free diet, can be challenging even to the accomplished scholar.

This sefer seeks to clarify these halachos and bring awareness to issues the reader may not have recognized. This is a comprehensive guide that no observant Jew on a gluten-free diet should be without.

Price: $38.99
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