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Tannaim Series: Rabban Gamliel Of Yavneh

Tannaim Series: Rabban Gamliel Of Yavneh

Rabban Gamliel of Yavneh

This great Nasi led the Jewish people after the Churban, and his encounters with the Roman Emperor, philosophers, and the Sages of his time are legendary. You’ll learn all about it in this incredible volume.

The words of Chazal fill the Talmud, Midrash, and other sefarim with fascinating stories of our Tannaim.

Rabbi Meir Lamberski has collected these stories into engaging comics in order to give children a deeper and more complete understanding of their lives.

Fully sourced, The Tannaim Series is a perfect way to learn from and appreciate these giants of the Mishnah.

Price: $25.99
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